Welcome, Beloved: My Journey of Bodywork, Energy Healing, and Trauma Release
Welcome to my blog, a space where I explore the fascinating connections between the human body, mind, and energy in writing. As a bodywork and trauma-release practitioner (currently in training in TRE), I’m inspired by the potential for healing that lies within us.
Through my writing, I want to share my passion for understanding the complex networks of relationships that exist within us and around us. I aim to explore topics such as body-based therapy, trauma, fascia, tantra, polarity, and energy, all through the lens of the body and its infinite wisdom.
Join me on a journey of self-discovery and healing, uncovering the wisdom of our physical and energetic selves, among others. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or simply curious about the wonders of the human body, I invite you to explore with me and discover new insights and perspectives.
Together, we can unlock the full potential of the body-mind connection and tap into the deep well of healing within us.